Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lead Capture Pages

A lead capture page is very similar to a splash page. A splash page is designed to get your visitors to click a link to visit your site. A lead capture page tries to get your visitor to enter their email address in order to receive more information via email.
Once someone gives you permission to email them you can begin to develop a relationship with them. After awhile it becomes easier to market to these people because they know you and trust you.

The money is in the list! (sorry, I had to say it)

An autoresponder is a marketing tool that allows you to create a
lead capture form that you can add to your webpage. When someone enters their email address into this form the autoresponder will automatically begin sending them a series of emails you have written. These emails can be used to promote your offers over a period of months or even years. You can even broadcast emails to your entire list any time you have a new offer for them.
Professional autoresponders have virtually eliminated the fear of spam complaints when advertising via email. Before a person starts receiving your emails the autoresponder will ask them to confirm that they want to receive your emails. If they ever choose to stop receiving email from you they can easily opt-out by clicking the link that appears at the end of everyone of your emails.

Getting people to give you their email address isn't always easy. You will need to offer something of value to them such an online training course or a free ebook (hint hint).

To start building your own list I would suggest going with a professional autoresponder like Aweber. If you need help setting up your autoresponder you can download this free Aweber ebook.

Promoting a lead capture page is the fastest way to build a large list of responsive readers and traffic exchanges are a great way to do it.

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